I have tried almost all types of programs, from aerobics, to step exercises, to belly dancing, but to no avail. But when I chanced upon P90X Review, the program piqued my interest and I decided to try it.
Well, lo and behold, from 160 pounds, in 3 months, I'm down to 126 ppounds!! Not bad huh?
The P90XExtreme Home Fitness Program with trainor Tony Horton. It even has a 10 minute workout for those who are busy as hell. The program lasts for 90 days of intense workout and includes a nutrition and diet plan to get optimal results. It uses muscle confusion in which exercises are switched so as not to allow the body to adapt to the exercise immediately.The program includes cardio, yoga, strenght training,and pylometrics all in 12 DVDs.
This has been a life saver for me. I have never felt this healthy before! And I am sure you would too. For results, why not try the P90X program! About Author
25 year old girl from Manhattan who finished Psychology majoring in Behavioral Psychology. Fond of reading, writing, sports, fitness and dancing! I love to read books by James Patterson, Jeffrey Archer, Og Mandino. I also love self help books. I love movies. I love sports and fitness. i ahve played volleyball in college, and have been running 1 mile everyday. I am also currently hooked to P90X Extreme Fitness Program, Zumba, and hooked on the NBS Playoffs.
I have 2 siblings, one younger than me and another is older. They are fond of kids for both are teachers. I have also developed the love for kids with special needs thus taking up a short term diploma in Special Education. I have experience in teaching deaf-mutes and children with Autism and Down Syndrome. I am planning to take up further studies in the field of Education so I can one day build my own school.
Article Source: http://www.1888articles.com/author-carisse-mae-41472.html
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