I think Dr. Barry Sears was feeling a little bit left out of the diet wars lately.
With all the press, Dr. Oz, Gary Taubes, and now Pierre Dukan are getting, it's only fair that Sears, founder of The Zone Diet, would want a piece of the action.
He recently did an interview for NBC's Daytime and said the nation's obesity problem is due to omega-6 rich fats in the diet.
He says that these omega-6 rich oils are used in all kinds processed products and combined with refined carbs produce inflammation or what he calls "Toxic Fat". He promotes switching to olive oil and butter to reduce inflammation and to lose weight.
Gary Taubes the best selling author of Why We Get Fat, says that dietary carbohydrates are the primary reason for obesity. He promotes cutting out grains, sugar, and having limited fruit. Instead dieters should eat how our ancient ancestors ate as this is how humans have "evolved" to eat.
Now both men agree that only good fats should be consumed, but where they greatly differ is the primary reason for the obesity epidemic. Oh yeah, and Sears' complete line of processed "Zone Foods" with the main ingredient usually being "wheat flour".
Who do you think is right? Participate in the comments and poll below.
Do you think that it's omega-6 oils that cause obesity or is it diets rich in carbs?
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