Beachbody has created what it believes is another breakthrough in the fitness world. A workout regimen called INSANITY. While it features outcome goals similar to P90X, the approach is vastly different. Insanity claims that through strenuous full-body stamina training in 60 days, the results will be phenomenal.
Insanity is developed by Shaun T., trainer and choreographer. Insanity emphasizes "max interval training", an exercise method wherein one works strenuously for 3-4 minutes and cools down for approximately 30 seconds before re-doing the whole process once again. In my experience it is decidedly more intense than that of traditional interval training. Insanity's program promotes noticeable results through core strength and intense cardio training.
Insanity could be the hardest workout ever put on DVD. It features 10 DVDs that aids in burning up to 1,000 calories in an hour. Each method will constantly challenge you as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your maximum level. The 10 "Insane" Workouts are:
Dig Deeper and Fit Test: a test for the body to know your capacity.(30 minutes)
Plyometric Cardio Circuit: intervals of intense lower-body plyo and cardio(42 minutes)
Cardio Power and Resistance: lean muscle buildup and defining the upper-body through strength-training and power moves. (40 minutes)
Cardio Recovery: Easy cardio (33 minutes)
Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs: an extreme non-stop cardio workout. (55 minutes)
Core Cardio and Balance: break from month 1 in preparation for month 2. (37 minutes)
Max Interval Circuit and Fit Test: intensified interval circuit training (86 minutes)
Max Interval Plyo: excruciating leg exercises. (55 minutes)
Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs: extreme cardio will push you through your limits (65 minutes)
Max Recovery: as you rest and build strength, you're getting ready for another round of moves and stretches.
It is key to never lose track of your progress follow the Insanity Workout Calendar and you will not be lost. You can set your goals, get organized and be motivated. As you continually watch your body evolve, you'll likely be impressed with the results. It's hard earned though. Do follow the elite diet plan. It will help you be properly fueled in order for you to get sufficient caloric intake on a daily basis.
Though Insanity perfectly fits those who have already worked out or in their advanced level of fitness, never fear, you can do it too. I know because I did and I was nowhere near ready for it when I started. The program does a good job of building you up not unlike climbing a step ladder. Just set your mind to it and you'll be rewarded. This may be a pure athletic prepartion workout. I basically just remembered the days I was at school as a varsity player. I tried to remember the rigorous training of those days and kept telling myself I could do it.
The other plus is I felt great every day after I finished.

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