Debunking The Dukan Diet

the-dukan-diet.jpgThe Dukan Diet continues to be in the media spotlight with help from Kate Middleton, Jennifer Lopez and Giselle Bundchen who have recently endorsed the French plan.

This modified Atkins diet continues to take the world by storm especially after it's recent "official" release in the USA. It is the number one diet right now in France, so what is The Dukan Diet really? Is it just another fad diet?

Phase One: The beginning part of The Dukan Diet lasts one to ten days. During phase one, you may eat unlimited amounts of lean protein including soy, eggs, and lowfat dairy. You cannot eat anything else except 1.5 tablespoons of oat bran for some added fiber.

Phase Two: In the second phase dieters can begin to incorporate some of the 32 approved non-starchy vegetables. Depending on how long you are working on weight loss, this Dukan phase can last for months.

Phase Three: This stage of The Dukan Diet begins when you reach your goal weight. During phase three you can alternate phase two eating with some days of fruits, one cheese serving, and two servings of whole grain breads. Dieters still must eat nothing but protein on one day of the week.

Phase Four: This is the least restrictive phase of Dukan where dieters can eat whatever they like in moderation, but must follow phase one on one day each week to help maintain goal weight.

High protein diets long-term are never a good idea, especially for weight loss. Our brains need carbohydrates to function. Without those carbohydrates you may start to feel fatigued, light-headed, and moody. Some even report flu-like symptoms.

Low carb diets are designed to stimulate ketone production which happens when the liver converts fat or protein into fuel for your brain and body. This can be counterproductive if not enough protein is consumed because muscle loss could result. It's important to consume the correct ratios of protein, fat, and carbs to ensure that fat is being converted to ketones and not the amino acids in proteins.

Eating a high amount of protein also can put kidneys at risk by having to process the large amino acids, therefore, those with kidney issues should avoid Dukan. Constipation and diarrhea could potentially be other side effects because The Dukan Diet is very low in fiber in the first phase.

The Dukan Diet can come with risks, potential side effects, and wouldn't be a suitable weight loss plan for everyone. It probably will turn out to be just another fad diet.

The Dukan Diet is available at Amazon.

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